Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Amazing Things Happen

I want to thank so many people for their efforts today that I don't even know where to begin.

We were lucky enough to have several rescues offer to take dogs from Bedford County Animal Shelter today after we received notice that animals would have to die to make space. We put the word out and the response was overwhelming. I don't know if we managed to save enough to avoid euthanasia. After a day like today, I simply can't bring myself to ask. I fear I already know the answer.

But for now, I want to focus on the ones who did make it out. These are the babies who now have a second chance at a happy life and these are the amazing people and organizations that made it happen...

THANK YOU Krystal and all at Southeast German Shepherd Rescue for agreeing to take BabyTHANK YOU to our very own Annette (a BHS board member and this month's featured foster home) for going to get her and hold her until she can go to rescue tomorrow.

THANK YOU Kim and all at Save-A-Lab Rescue for agreeing to take IzzyTHANK YOU to our very own Annette for going to get her and to Lauren (who we are very excited to welcome into our foster family) for fostering her until she can go to rescue in a few weeks.

THANK YOU Makena, Lori, and all at Lynchburg Humane Society for taking Moses, the poor senior Spitz that was at the pound for way too long. THANK YOU to our Office Manager Diane for going to get him and to our Lost & Found Coordinator Shawne for meeting Diane to transport Moses the rest of the way to Lynchburg. This boy would have died today were it not for all of these heroes.

THANK YOU Lisa and all at Angels of Assisi for accepting Daisy Mae into their foster program. This sad girl has been treated so poorly in life and almost didn't even have a chance to make it out until Chaz & Melissa at Solstice Sanctuary pulled her to foster and make sure she will know nothing but love and care and safety the rest of her days.

THANK YOU to Liz & Ryan, Cindy & Danny, and all at All American Mutt Rescue for doing what they could to get the word out and still getting to the pound this evening to save a life.

THANK YOU Becky (our BHS President), Michelle (our Administrative Director), and Leslie (another board member and foster) for all of the texting, emailing, and phone calling that went on behind the scenes to make this happen.

THANK YOU to Michelle and Becky and all the pound staff who reach out to us each time they are forced to begin euthanizing to make space, hoping that we can pull enough so they don't have to.
THANK YOU to everyone of you that shared our blog post asking for help. We received over 183 views at last count. That is 183 chances to reach people we would not have reached otherwise. It is working. I received several emails about fostering or people offering to help anyway they can.

Please keep sharing. This will not be the last time we receive this call from the pound. There are still more who need our help.

These are your animal rescue organizations and we continue to need your help and support. Amazing things happen when we all work together.


  1. THANK YOU to Sunshine for being so supportive and kind and caring and inspiring!

  2. Truly amazing what cooperation and caring can accomplish. Thank you all.

