Friday, September 21, 2012

BHS Desperate Housecats: Special Episode

We bring you this special episode of BHS Desperate Housecats to share a sad situation in the catpartments.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) can be a devastating disease if not properly monitored. As residents in our Special Needs room, Michaela, Clyde, and Marty live with the disease. While cats can live long, happy lives even after becoming FIV-positive, even the smallest illness can be deadly as their immune systems weaken.

Both Michaela and Clyde have received bad news from the vet. Thanks to the daily observations and interactions with the cat care volunteers, Michaela was quickly and easily diagnosed with a neurological condition that impacts her ability to balance and maintain coordination. She is receiving treatment for her condition and is showing good progress.

Clyde has failed to respond to treatment for his chronic ear condition and will now be referred to a specialist to determine if he, in fact, has a tumor and what treatment options he has. He is also experiencing symptoms of pneumonia, which will require much care to help him fight through it. We hope and pray that he is able to stay strong and return to his happy, affectionate self.

Watch this special episode as Marty worries over his roommates and close friends.

While we continue to plan for their care, we ask for your help. You can make your donation to our Second Chance Fund (see ChipIn below) which allows us to provide the extra medical for Michaela, Clyde, and so many others like them. Or come out to our Walk for the Animals Saturday (9/22/12) morning and walk with Manny and Sassy. The walk will begin at Goose Creek Studio with a blessing of the animals at 9:45am. Bring your own furbaby, ask friends and family to sponsor you, and bid on items in our silent auction. Visit for more information.

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