You can see it in his eyes, he has almost given up hope.
But here's the good knews. Diesel doesn't know it yet, but he has hope. Thanks to some amazing animal rescue volunteers who have spent hours networking him, Diesel has a rescue willing to take him in and give him a second chance. We need your help to make this happen.
The rescue willing to help Diesel is full. They cannot take Diesel for another month. Bedford Humane Society is full. We do not have a foster space for him to wait for transfer to another rescue. Are you willing to foster Diesel until this happens? Do you want to help save a life by opening up your home to a temporary houseguest? I suspect he would be well-behaved, willing to protect your home while you are at work, and probably not opposed to cuddles when you're having a bad day.
Ask anyone who fosters, whether animals or children, and they will tell you: the benefits far outweigh the emotional costs. If you commit to saving his life, you will cry when he leaves you to begin his new life. But you will be left with the comfort that, because of YOU, Diesel will have his own happy forever after. And isn't that easier than knowing he died alone and unwanted in the pound?
Diesel also needs to be vetted before going to rescue and the rescue committing to him is still recovering from the costs of treating puppies for Parvo. Can you help sponsor Diesel's vetting costs by donating to our Extra Mile Fund? Donate through our ChipIn at Extra Mile Fund ChipIn. Donations can also be mailed or taken to Bedford Humane Society at 829 Ole Turnpike Drive, Bedford, VA 24523.
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