Episode 2: "Impressive" In this week's episode, the residents learn about another new kid that just moved in. Speculations flie about how he received his injuries and Smokey tries to play Mr. Fix It...
We are continually getting cats and kittens dumped overnight at our Headquarters and we have no space left to keep them. Most that are dumped with us are already sick and leaving them with us puts the health and well-being of our current residents in danger. We do NOT have the resources to continue taking on additional cats/kittens at this time.
If you need help, contact us and we will do what we can to help...the right way. If you do not want kittens, PLEASE SPAY AND NEUTER your cats. We offer low-cost spaying and neutering for ALL Bedford County/City residents. Call (540-586-6100) or email (info@bhsva.org) our office for details.
If you are interested in adopting any of our Desperate Housecats, email info@bhsva.org for an adoption application. If you are interested in fostering a Desperate Housecat, email sunshine@bhsva.org for a foster application.
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